10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (2024)

If you haven’t discovered the benefits of gelatin powder you are going to love this!

Gelatin powder contains collagen which is amazing for reducing wrinkles, strengthening your nails, teeth and hair.

It also helps you feel fuller longer which helps you lose weight!

I have been using gelatin powder for about a month now and I have already seen the difference in my nails. They used to be weak and brittle but now they are rock solid.

This is the brand of gelatin powder I use because it comes from a healthy source, disolves in water and you can’t taste it at all!

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You can also buy gelatin that solidifies and creates a jelly texture. This is the type of gelatin you will need to buy if you are making any of these gummies.

I get most of my recipes and knowledge about gelatin from this amazing book.

Check out these 10 amazing gelatin powder recipes:

Homemade Sour Gummy Snacks Recipe

10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (2)

Pop a few in your mouth too, because not only are these babies loaded with high quality protein and helpful when it comes to healing digestive disorders, they’re also rich in an essential nutrient for gorgeous skin, lustrous hair, and strong nails – collagen!


Homemade Fruit Snacks

10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (3)

Fruit snacks have been a thing of the past over here on the homestead. They’re like a long lost friend, one that was bad enough that we needed to leave it behind, but yummy enough that we wish we could still be BFF’s.

~ Danelle, WEED’EM & REAP

Homemade Finger Jello

10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (4)

I tried homemade finger jello last week and the kids and I were all over it. Gelatin from pastured animals, normally found in stock made from boiling the bones, is so loaded with nutrients that it’s considered a superfood.


Flu Busting Gummy Bears

10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (6)

These flu busting gummy bears combine the immune boost from elderberry syrup with the gut benefits of gelatin for a healthy and delicious way to beat the flu.


Hot Healthy Chocolate Squares

10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (7)

I have been trying to come up with some recipes that satisfy the sweet tooth, provide the antioxidant levels of dark chocolate, and have a lower sugar content. So I threw together this recipe with cocoa powder and honey! Plus, you also get the medicinal benefits of raw honey.


Tequila Lime Gummies

10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (8)

So, here’s a little-known fact about me: I was dubbed “the Jell-O shot queen” in my college dorm. I’m going to rationalize it by saying that I wanted to get some gut-healing gelatin into all of my friends before we headed out to the house parties. Yes, that’s my story.


Gelatin Jigglers Fruit Snacks

10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (9)

But what if you could get gelatin in a fun and even kid friendly way? And what if you could include the probiotic, gut healing properties of fermented kombucha? That’s why we made kombucha gelatin (not to be confused with another house favorite, kombucha & gin)! What’s SO COOL about using kombucha instead of fruit juice is that it’s fizzy and created a really cool foamy texture when it hardens!


Sour Watermelon Homemade Gummies

10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (10)

Now I may not like juice, but I LOVE gummy candy. And my absolute favorite? The really super bad for you, no nutritional-value-whatsoever kind. Do I let myself eat it? No. I’m not going to waste a treat opportunity on flavored corn syrup. Meh. But I could use my former guilty pleasure as a means to get more real grass fed gelatin into my diet. Enter these sour watermelon homemade gummies!

~ Rachael, MEATIFIED

Sweet & Sour Gummy Gelatin Snacks

10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (12)

A gummy “candy” that’s healthy – and can even help heal your gut and repair connective tissue throughout your body.


Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies

10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (13)

These little gummies do double duty. You get the benefits of grass-fed gelatin plus all the benefits of ACV. The apple cider doesn’t completely mask the ACV flavor, but it tames it down significantly even my 4-year-old niece devoured these!

~ Vanessa, PLAID & PALEO

Which of the recipes are your favourite? Leave me a comment below.

If you would like to learn more about the life changing benefits of gelatin and get even more recipes, then check out this amazing resource.

Gelatin Secrets:10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (14)

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I am a stay at-home, homeschooling momma of 3 littles and at times so busy I would forget to feed myself!

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Katherine Kyle @ Green Thickies

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Katherine lost 56 pounds and recovered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with Green Thickies.
Read Katherine's inspiring comeback story, From Fat and Fatigued To Lean and Loving Life In 4 Months.
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10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (19)


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10 Best Gelatin Powder Recipes (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.