10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (2024)

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10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (1)

ByLindsay D. Mattison

Taste of Home's Editorial Process

Updated: Sep. 12, 2023

    If you've ever had a piece of crispy-on-the-outside, juicy-on-the-inside Southern fried chicken, you know how heavenly it can be! Learn how to master making fried chickenat home with these tips from a professional chef.


    10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (2)

    Aimee M Lee/Shutterstock

    Soak It in Buttermilk

    Marinating your chicken in buttermilk the day before you fry it is an essential part of deliciously juicy fried chicken. The buttermilk’s acids and enzymes break down the proteins in the chicken, making it extra tender. Try making buttermilk chicken tenders in your kitchen.


    10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (3)

    EVGENII LEONTEV/Shutterstock

    Use the Right Oil

    When choosing the best oil for frying, consider something called the smoke point: the temperature at which the oil begins to break down and smoke, making the foods cooked in it taste off. Lard is my favorite cooking oil for infusing the chicken with extra flavor, but you could also use neutral-tasting canola oil or peanut oil.


    10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (4)

    Milka Re/Shutterstock

    Double Dredge

    The best way to ensure the breading will stay on the chicken is to double down on the flour. This creates a super thick, extra crispy coating on your chicken. After dredging the chicken in seasoned flour, dip it into an egg wash and place it back into the flour. Then, repeat the process, dipping it into the egg before finishing in the flour once again. Your fingers will get extra clumpy, but it’s worth it!


    10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (5)


    Keep It Crispy

    After you’ve finished frying the first batch of chicken, don’t let it get cold and soggy sitting on a pile of paper towels. Keep it in a 250°F oven! Placing the fried chicken on an ovenproof cooling rack set inside a quality baking sheet is the best way to keep the coating from getting soggy.


    10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (6)

    Taste of Home

    Don’t Get Fancy with the Breading

    I’ve seen all kinds of fried chicken tips over the years that recommend bread crumbs, beer batter and even cornflakes as the coating. In my experience, plain old flour works best. It not only adheres well to the chicken, but it fries up golden brown and crispy every time. Looking for side dishes? Check out our collection of delicious fried chicken sides.


    Fry It Hot

    If the fryer oil is too cold, the breading will get oil-logged and soggy—how sad! Get your chicken crispy by frying at temperatures around 375°. Keep in mind that the temperature will go down when you drop in the chicken, so make sure to turn the heat up a bit to compensate.

    Learn more about deep frying at home with confidence.


    10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (8)


    Don’t Crowd the Pan

    One of the most common frying mistakes is overcrowding the pan. When you add too many pieces at once, the temperature drops and you’ll end up with soggy breading. It stinks to have to fry multiple batches of chicken, but you have to if you want chicken that’s crispy and crunchy.


    You Don’t Need a Deep Fryer

    Tabletop fryers seem great, but they’re super hard to clean. Use a Dutch oven instead! A cast iron Dutch oven retains heat well, making it the perfect vessel for deep frying.


    10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (10)


    Break Down the Chicken Yourself

    You can save a ton of money by cutting up a whole chicken. Not only that, but you’ll get a nice assortment of white and dark meat on your fried chicken platter.


    10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (11)


    Don’t Rush It

    All good things take time, including fried chicken. Take the time to brine the chicken overnight, then be patient as the chicken fries in the hot oil. Don’t be tempted to crank up the heat—that’s a great way to burn the coating without cooking the chicken all the way through.

    Originally Published: May 14, 2019


    Lindsay D. Mattison

    Lindsay has been a food writer, recipe developer and product tester for seven years. She’s a culinary school graduate who specializes in sustainable food and seasonal ingredients. She draws on her professional chef background to develop recipes and help home cooks gain confidence in the kitchen. When Lindsay isn’t writing, you’ll find her coo...

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    10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (12)

    10 Secrets to Making the Best Southern Fried Chicken—Straight From a Chef (2024)


    What is the trick to getting crispy chicken? ›

    Double Dredge

    The best way to ensure the breading will stay on the chicken is to double down on the flour. This creates a super thick, extra crispy coating on your chicken. After dredging the chicken in seasoned flour, dip it into an egg wash and place it back into the flour.

    What is the best oil for Southern fried chicken? ›

    Think vegetable oil, canola oil, or peanut oil. Don't use olive oil or butter—they both have lower smoke points. The ideal temperature for frying chicken is 350˚ to 365˚, and you'll want to make sure that you bring the oil back to temperature between batches.

    How long to soak chicken in milk before frying? ›

    Soak the chicken in the milk mixture for 5 to 10 minutes. Roll the chicken in flour, being sure to completely cover each piece. Set aside to dry. In a large cast-iron skillet melt lard over medium heat.

    Why do you soak chicken in salt water before frying? ›

    Submerging chicken in a brine bath seasons it inside out. Aside from injecting flavor, the brine breaks down the proteins of the poultry, retaining moisture in the cells. In 24 hours or less, the muscle fibers in the meat begin to separate and swell, resulting in a tender, juicy and flavorful meat.

    Is flour or cornstarch better for fried chicken? ›

    Cornstarch Is the Secret to the Crispiest Fried Chicken

    So how exactly does it work? When paired with all-purpose flour, cornstarch helps prevent gluten development, which makes the flour coating crispier, and absorb moisture (from the frying and the chicken), which also means a crispier coating.

    What kind of flour is best for fried chicken? ›

    All-purpose flour gives the buttermilk and seasonings something to stick to, while ensuring a wonderfully crispy crust. This crispy fried chicken recipe calls for paprika (which helps with browning), salt, and pepper. You can add more spices and seasonings to taste.

    What oil is KFC fried in? ›

    KFC products are fried in oil which may contain the following: Canola Oil and Hydrogenated Soybean Oil with TBHQ and Citric Acid Added To Protect Flavor, Dimethylpolysiloxane, an Antifoaming Agent Added OR Low Linolenic Soybean Oil, TBHQ and Citric Acid Added To Protect Flavor, Dimethylpolysiloxane, an Antifoaming ...

    Can you mix canola and vegetable oil? ›

    Can you mix canola oil and vegetable oil? Not only are these two oils interchangeable, but they can also be mixed. There's no benefit to mixing canola and vegetable oils when cooking, but running out of one oil during dinner doesn't have to mean a ruined recipe.

    Can I soak chicken in regular milk instead of buttermilk? ›

    Can You Use Milk Instead of Buttermilk for Fried Chicken? No. Using milk instead of buttermilk will not have the same effect. However, it's easy enough to make buttermilk at home.

    What to soak raw chicken in? ›

    Briefly soaking meat in a solution of baking soda and water raises the pH on the meat's surface, making it more difficult for the proteins to bond excessively, which keeps the meat tender and moist when it's cooked.

    What is the key to frying chicken? ›

    Mistake: Frying At The Wrong Temperature

    The key is to maintain that temperature between 300 to 325 degrees F as you fry the chicken. This temperature range will cook the chicken through without burning the crust.

    What is the secret to crispy chicken skin? ›

    The dryer the chicken skin, the better it will crisp when cooked. When you unwrap your chicken from the package, pat it dry on all sides (and inside if it's whole) with paper towels. If you have time, pop it in the fridge uncovered overnight or even for an hour and let it dry out further in there.

    Why do people soak chicken in milk before frying? ›

    Tenderness: The lactic acid in milk helps to break down the proteins in the chicken, resulting in a tender and moist texture. Flavor Infusion: Milk can act as a carrier for other flavors, such as herbs and spices, allowing them to penetrate the chicken and create a delicious taste profile.

    What makes fried chicken crispy, cornstarch or baking powder? ›

    The baking powder raises the pH of the surface, allowing it to crisp better*), and tossing in plain cornstarch to absorb some surface moisture and create a rougher texture for the batter to adhere to.

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