Ancient Greek Loukoumades Recipe | Traditional Greek doughnuts (2024)

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Last Updated on January 26, 2022 by Jella Erhard

Ancient Greek Loukoumades Recipe | Traditional Greek doughnuts (1)

If you love Greek snacks and desserts you’ll love this loukoumades recipe. Learn how to make the traditional ancient Greek loukoumades.

Let’s take a look at the most common Greek Loukoumades (Greek Donuts) recipe which you can easily recreate at home. It may get slightly messy in your kitchen, but it will absolutely worth it. Greek desserts are known to be pretty sweet, most of them soaked in sticky syrup, but good news, there are Loukoumades recipes which are less sweet or not at all.

As simple as the nibble-dessert sounds, you are going to be surprised by what differences can be found between two recipes and how delicious they are.

Imagine dough balls filled and covered with all sorts of mouthwatering sauces and nuts, they are simply scrumptious. You can find both sweet and savory bites, but beware; once tasted it you are going to be hooked for life.

Learn how to make traditional Greek Loukoumades and about its fascinating history

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Ancient Greek Loukoumades Recipe | Traditional Greek doughnuts (2)

Loukoumades is a considerably simple treat, but definitely something you are going to remember. The Greek delight can be traced back to the 8th century, it is said to have been consumed at the first Olympic games. Over the centuries it appeared in a number of cultures at the border of Europe and Asia.

What are Loukoumades made of?

Based on the traditional Loukoumades recipe the balls are made of yeast dough with olive oil, which makes it so light and airy. The texture is perfectly soft inside, while if you fry it a little longer, crispy on the outside.

Greek Loukoumades Ingredients

For the Greek Loukoumades dough

· 1 cup of lukewarm water (40C)

· 1 cup of lukewarm milk

· 15g active dry yeast (0.5 oz.)

· 3 and 1/4 of a cup flour

· 2 tbsps sugar

· 1 tsp salt

· 4 tbsps olive oil

· oil for frying

Greek Loukoumades Syrup recipe

· 1 1/2 cup honey you can use Greek honey

· cinnamon powder

· chopped walnuts or pistachios

How to make traditional Greek Loukoumades?

This easy Loukoumades recipe begins with mixing the ingredients for the dough. Dissolve the yeast in the water and then add all the ingredients to create a smooth batter. It takes about five minutes stirring and whisking until you get to the desired result.

Once all done, cover the bowl and let it rise for about an hour. It is important to make sure the dough this delicious Greek dessert rises perfectly to ensure the texture is as smooth as it has to be.

Do not put the rising dough in the fridge, leave it out in at least above 77F (25C) possible even in a warmer room.

When the dough is ready you can start preparing the oil (preferably olive oil) for frying.

If you are looking to recreate the heavenly honey balls you may have seen online or in Greece before, then try to form small balls with your hands (use cold water to wet your hands).

If you take out a spoonful of dough, that will be about a good size to be fried.

If you are not using a deep fryer, make sure every side of the ball is being cooked by tossing the balls around with a spoon. Even if you have a fryer, do give them a push to make sure it is not left raw as they are floating on the top of the oil.

As we recommend to follow the crispy Loukoumades recipe, wait until it becomes golden, light brown in the oil.

When the Loukoumades balls are done, you can cover them with warm cinnamon honey and sprinkle some chopped walnut, sesame, or pistachios on the perfect, golden honey balls.

The result will be one of the most delicious Greek desserts, which can easily be served as nibbles or an actual dessert after a meal with the family.

Types of Loukoumades

There are other perfect syrup recipes, which will make these Greek doughnuts so delicious. It is actually up to you and your palate to pour a sauce or syrup over the balls of your liking. It goes amazingly great with chocolate, caramel, and fruit syrups as well.

What we found a superb option is to fill the balls with the syrup or sauce of your desires. If you have a doughnut filler or even a large syringe, you can pump some hazelnut cream or similar delight into the balls and surprise your loved ones.

There are plenty of choices for those who prefer salty snacks.

There are also cheesy and spicy Loukoumades, which you can try in case you are not fond of sweets. The cheese-filled balls are definitely one of our favorites, but there are simpler, salty, and spicy versions as well, which make great snacks for a movie night in or when friends visit.

We have also heard of chopped vegetables being mixed in the dough, or even stuffing the balls with roasted vegetables.

You can make it with all sorts of meats as well, of course, if you’re vegan you can use tofu or seitan instead.

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Where to buy traditional Loukoumades in Athens, Greece

Ancient Greek Loukoumades Recipe | Traditional Greek doughnuts (4)

Ancient Greek Loukoumades Recipe | Traditional Greek doughnuts (5)

Ancient Greek Loukoumades Recipe | Traditional Greek doughnuts (6)

When in Athens, you cannot miss Loukoumades shop in Athens on the corner of Eolou and Aghias Irinis streets. You can try dozens of different flavors at a reasonable price.

The small Greek dessert shop has its own secret recipe, therefore you will not be able to recreate their perfect delights, but it is for sure a great spot to try both the traditional Greek doughnut and the modern versions with all different fillings or glaze.

On a long day of exploring Athens, Loukoumades is a must stop-by spot to take a little rest and refill while adoring the mesmerizing view of the ancient Acropolis. Right on the busy walking street of Aiolou you can sit down and take 5 before climbing up to Europe’s one of the most remarkable sights.

Enjoy your delicious Greek desserts and snacks, we are sure the whole family is going to be very fond of them.

Ancient Greek Loukoumades Recipe | Traditional Greek doughnuts (7)

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Ancient Greek Loukoumades Recipe | Traditional Greek doughnuts (2024)
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