Best easy strawberry recipes (2024)

Best easy strawberry recipes (1)

Sweet, juicy and vibrant, strawberries are a quintessential English classic.

Make the most of home grown strawberries with our favourite best easy strawberry recipes. From a classic Victoria sandwich cake and Eton mess to an easy strawberry cheesecake recipe, strawberry sorbets, and tasty meringues, whip up the perfect afternoon treat or summertime dessert.

Now is the time to cook and bake with British strawberries (which are undeniably the most delicious) as they are in season through to August. So, add some punnets to your next Waitrose order and try one of our 16 easy strawberry recipes.

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Wimbledon Strawberry Cake

Best easy strawberry recipes (3)

The classic Victoria sponge is a true British treat. Light yet indulgent, Mary Berry's strawberry filled sponge cake is the perfect addition to a cup of tea.

Try Mary Berry’s Victoria sandwich cake recipe

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Sweet Eve strawberry, mango, pistachio and marsala fruit salad

Best easy strawberry recipes (5)

This vibrant fruit salad is summer on a plate. Bring an exotic holiday vibe to your table and serve this up to round off an alfresco meal. Lovely fresh strawberries and summer fruits are complimented by a cheeky glug of Marsala wine. Delicious.

Try this strawberry, mango and Marsala fruit salad recipe

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Strawberry Risotto from 'The Breakfast Book'

Best easy strawberry recipes (7)

Make a weekend breakfast truly special with this strawberry risotto. Creamy rice is the perfect setting for juicy red strawberries and this recipe is a great way to use up a glut.

Try this strawberry risotto recipe

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Sweet Eve strawberry Pimm's jellies

Best easy strawberry recipes (9)

Turn a Pimm’s summer classic into a delicious jelly. This grown-up recipe proves that jelly isn’t just for children so whip up this easy dessert and serve up after dinner or take along to a picnic.

Try this strawberry Pimm’s jellies recipe

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Strawberry Shortcake

Best easy strawberry recipes (11)

A traditional shortbread is a delight and this delicious recipe towers the buttery biscuit between layers of jeweled strawberries. It’s perfect for a little afternoon tea time treat and is a great alternative to cake.

Try this strawberry shortcake recipe

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Easy Strawberry Jam

Best easy strawberry recipes (13)

This is an exceptionally fruity and delicious jam. The quick cooking time makes for a softer set and preserves more of the strawberries’ taste. Smear on toast or swirl into porridge for an intense hit of strawberry flavour in the morning.

Try this easy strawberry jam recipe

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Sweet Eve co*cktail

Best easy strawberry recipes (15)

The sweet strawberries, dry Prosecco and slight bitterness of Campari combine beautifully in this co*cktail. Serve in champagne glasses with a fresh strawberry garnish and you’ll have the perfect drink to celebrate the summer.

Try this prosecco, Campari and strawberry co*cktail recipe

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Strawberry and elderflower sorbet

Wonderfully refreshing and decadent, this easy dessert can be made in advance and served scooped into pretty tea cups.

Try this strawberry and elderflower sorbet recipe

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Strawberry cheesecake cupcakes

Best easy strawberry recipes (19)

It’s important to use pieces of fresh strawberry in this recipe; they moisten the sponge and texture of the cupcakes. The crumbled digestive biscuits sprinkled on top add the flavour of a cheesecake base.

Try Hummingbird Bakery's strawberry cheesecake cupcake recipe

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Strawberry coulis

Best easy strawberry recipes (21)

This coulis is good and sharp and can be made ahead of time. Serve poured over summer fruits and drizzled with single cream for a refreshing dessert.

Try this strawberry coulis recipe

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Strawberry Cloud Cake

Best easy strawberry recipes (23)

This stunning dessert is a piece of magic. It looks really impressive with very little effort and you can get it ready early in the day or a few days ahead so you’re free to relax when your friends arrive.

Try Annabel Langbein's strawberry cloud cake recipe

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Eton Mess

Best easy strawberry recipes (25)

A quintessential British classic, this easy recipe takes mere minutes to throw together and will make the perfect dessert for summer barbecues and alfresco dining.

Try this strawberry Eton Mess recipe

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Frozen berries hot white chocolate sauce

Best easy strawberry recipes (27)

Easy to prepare, this easy to make tasty dessert is the perfect combination of fruit and chocolate.

Try this berries with hot white chocolate sauce recipe

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Lime, honey and strawberry cheesecake

Best easy strawberry recipes (29)

This fruity no-bake cheesecake is delicious and so simple to prepare. Just whisk the filling ingredients together and leave to chill.

Try this lime, honey and strawberry cheesecake recipe

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Strawberry meringue

Best easy strawberry recipes (31)

Impressive and easy, one mouthful of this crunchy, creamy meringue and you'll be hooked.

Try this sweetness and light meringue recipe

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Scotch Pancakes - Recipe

Best easy strawberry recipes (33)

It doesn’t matter how old you are, everyone loves pancakes. Top with spoonfuls of yoghurt if serving for breakfast or our delicious homemade vanilla custard for an easy dessert and strawberries.

Try this Scotch pancakes with mixed berries and crème angalise recipe

Best easy strawberry recipes (2024)


How can I make my strawberries more flavorful? ›

And when we're facing down a clamshell of less-than, trucked-from-far-away fruit, or even farmers' market berries that aren't bursting with flavor, we have a simple trick that will make them taste almost as good. All you've got to do to rescue mediocre berries from their own mediocrity? Add a little sugar and salt!

What is the best combination for strawberry? ›

Next time you tear open a punnet be sure to give at least one of these a try to take your strawberry consumption to the next level.
  1. Avocado. ...
  2. Spinach. ...
  3. Black pepper and balsamic vinegar. ...
  4. Rhubarb. ...
  5. Chilli. ...
  6. Fish. ...
  7. Rosemary. ...
  8. Salty cheese.

How do you jazz up strawberries? ›

Add-ins. While not necessary, you can add things like lemon juice, liqueur, and even vinegar (yes, vinegar!) to your berries for flavor. I've included a few of my favorites in the recipe notes. I know balsamic vinegar and pepper may seem an unlikely pairing to strawberries, but they truly taste amazing together!

Why do you soak strawberries in salt water? ›

The salt water revealed bugs much more quickly. I found dead little fruit flies in the water, and any bugs that were still alive were clinging to the fruit for dear life.

Do strawberries last longer in the fridge or on the counter? ›

Where is the best place to store strawberries? Unless you plan to use the strawberries right away, it's best to store them in your refrigerator to preserve freshness. Unrefrigerated, berries will last only a few days; stored in the fridge, they could last up to a week.

Should you refrigerate unwashed strawberries? ›

Place your unwashed strawberries on top in a single layer, then cover with a lid or plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use, ideally within seven days.

Can dogs eat strawberries? ›

Yes, dogs can eat strawberries. Strawberries are full of fiber and vitamin C. Along with that, they also contain an enzyme that can help whiten your dog's teeth as he or she eats them. Like all fruits, strawberries contain natural sugar, so offer them in moderation.

What seasoning is best for strawberries? ›

I highly recommend chopped mint, basil and lavender, which add surprising depth to a bowl of strawberries. Skip the rest of them, especially tarragon and sage, which clash completely with strawberry's bright flavors.

What enhances strawberry flavor? ›

Balsamic Vinegar:

Basically, the vinegar (especially when nuanced with a little black pepper), steps into the background, making the strawberries even sweeter. Strawberries and balsamic vinegar also mix well in toasted bread, flatbread, scones and more. And let's not forget desserts—the role strawberries were born for.

Why put pepper on strawberries? ›

Well, like some citrus fruits, strawberries actually have an inherent amount of tartness, and the pepper neutralizes that tartness, keeping any overly sweet elements to a minimum and, ultimately, making strawberry flavor shine. The theory even works for other acidic (or tart) fruits, like pineapple.

What two fruits make a strawberry? ›

A strawberry is actually a multiple fruit which consists of many tiny individual fruits embedded in a fleshy receptacle. The brownish or whitish specks, which are commonly considered seeds, are the true fruits, called achenes, and each of them surrounds a tiny seed.

How to spice up strawberries? ›

Add a little black pepper to your strawberries: this enhances their natural flavour and adds a little spice for flavour without the need for sugar.

Can I freeze strawberries? ›

Basic method for freezing strawberries

Lay the prepared strawberries on a tray and put in the freezer and until solid. Once frozen, transfer to labelled resealable freezer bag, ensuring you remove any excess air before sealing. Frozen strawberries are best used within six months.

How do you preserve excess strawberries? ›

You can freeze whole, sliced or halved whatever suits you best. Place the washed, hulled and prepared berries on a flat tray making sure they don't touch each other and place in the freezer for 2 hours. Freeze.

What to do with a container of strawberries? ›

Whether you like milkshakes, smoothies, or even strawberry milk, they're all great uses for the strawberries, and you don't even have to chop them up. You can also preserve the overripe strawberries for the drinks simply by freezing them solid and storing in a freezer bag or airtight container.

What is the best way to keep strawberries fresh longer? ›

If you're pressed for time, simply storing the strawberries in their original container after discarding any that are on the brink of spoiling is a great option — but if you have extra time, soaking them in a vinegar-water solution and drying them afterwards is a great way to extend their shelf life.

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.