Chicken, Thyme & Mushroom Vol au Vent - Gimme The Recipe - You came for the food now stay for the romance! (2024)

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Gimme The Recipe – You came for the food now stay for the romance!

Irish Blog full of easy recipes & a little romance – by Irish Author – Sheila Kiely

Posted in Dinner Party

Posted on November 18, 2010November 19, 2010 by sheila kiely

So when’s the last time you had a chicken & mushroom vol au vent then? Perhaps as a starter at an ’80s or a ’90s wedding and pretty much banished thereafter.

In Ireland we travelled throughout the late ’90s and early millenia years and our tastebuds travelled too. We brought back a longing for Tapas from Spain, Olives from Italy, Charcuterie from France, along with Terrines, Pate, Confit, Chorizo, Salamis, Jamon Serrano, Prisciutto di Parma, Jambon de Bayonne, Tapenades, Sundried,Semi-Sundried & Sun-blushed tomatoes. And that’s just from Europe. Those who explored Australia and Asia returned with an entirely different shopping list, they were exploring fusion cooking and looking for chillies, lemongrass, coconut milk, nam pla, kaffir lime leaves not to mention the spices of India, and what about those whoventured to South America & beyond?
Suffice it to say, it’s been a while since I’ve had a longing for a pastry case filled with a creamy chicken and mushroom filling. Served as a starter or as a main this is scrumptious, nostalgic fare. Great served with a side of salad leaves or boiled rice. (You could posh this up by using cream instead of milk.) For a dinner party consider making the filling the evening before and then reheating it on the night to fill freshly baked cases.
Serves 4 hungry people but could stretch to 5 perhaps!
You will need:
Vol au Vent cases (freezer department – I used pack of 18 medium Jus-Rol)
50g butter
1 tbsp olive oil
4 shallots
5 chicken breasts
160g medley of mushrooms (any)
2 tbsp flour
300ml milk
100ml water
2 tsp thyme
Pre-heat oven to 200C/ Gas Mark 6
Heat the oil and butter together in a frying pan over a medium heat.
Peel and finely chop the shallots and soften in the pan for 5 to 10 minutes.
Place the vol au vent pastry cases in the oven and cook according to instructions on the pack.
Chop the chicken breasts into chunks and add to the pan with the thyme and cook for 10 minutes.
Rinse and chop up the mushrooms and add to the pan, cook for 2 minutes.
Add the 2 tbsp flour to the pan and stir to form a paste that coats the chicken and mushrooms, cook for a minute or 2.
Gradually stir inthe milk and water and raise the heat until just under the boil and then reduce again.
Allow to thicken for 5 minutes more.
Fill the pastry cases with the chicken and mushroom filling.
Til next time, Sheila.

Chicken, Thyme & Mushroom Vol au Vent - Gimme The Recipe - You came for the food now stay for the romance! (3)

Author:sheila kiely

Irish Author - Dubut romantic fiction novel 'Good Enough' published in 2021. 'Gimme Dinner' a collection of 50 great dinner recipes published in 2022.'Enjoy' published by Mercier Press in 2016 .'Gimme the Recipe' published in 2012. Work in admin of our Food Safety Consultancy business - Industrial Management Systems with my husband Denis.View All Posts

  1. Hi Sheila,
    I was talking to someone recently about vol au vents and how much I used to love them but they are out of fashion now and so I have been afraid to make them recently. My mam used to make them for Sunday tea if my aunties were coming and they were also so tasty. If we were lucky we would sometimes have them as a treat for dinner on a week day. Am definitely going to make them soon now. Your photos are beautifully styled also, love the Christmas glitter,



  2. Wow, your photo is stunning, Shelia! Donal and Sharon will be proud. 🙂



  3. ouh, get you with your food styling and photography! looks like you put a lot of effort in (& were listening in class!). well done, they look fab! s x



  4. Hi,

    Used your vol au vant recipe for a Pot Luck Dinner Party at the weekend, and they went down a treat. Thanks 🙂



    1. Hi Patricia, thanks for your comment. This is one of my favourites and so easy to make a big quantity for entertaining, I’m delighted that you like it. 🙂 Sheila



  5. Could I make the filling and then feeze it?



    1. Hi and sorry for delay in getting back to you. I would say go for it in terms of freezing the filling as I would imagine that if thoroughly defrosted and reheated it should not deteriorate. Some sauces can split after freezing but as this is not a very wet sauce I think it should be fine. Just make sure chicken is reheating to piping hot. Enjoy, Sheila



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Chicken, Thyme & Mushroom Vol au Vent - Gimme The Recipe - You came for the food now stay for the romance! (2024)
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