Easy Plum Cobbler Recipe (2024)

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Easy Plum Cobbler Recipe

Easy Plum Cobbler Recipe (1)

Easy Plum Cobbler made with fresh plums topped with a sweet crumbled dough.

This quick and easy Plum Cobbler is cobbled together in minutes making it a great summer dessert. As you may know, cobbler is a bit of a catch-all word that has many meanings. It may refer to a person that mends shoes (if you can find one anymore.) Or a tall, iced drink which normally includes wine, sugar, whiskey and rum.

Cobbler also refers to a mountain in Scotland near the head of Loch Long. But today we’re talking about the deep-dish fruit cobbler with the thick top crust like this easy Plum Cobbler.

However, cobblers can also be of the savory variety like our favoriteWinter Vegetable Cobbler, or this incredible Tomato Cobbler, which is one of the best skillet meals I’ve ever made or eaten!

Easy Plum Cobbler Recipe (2)

Mom often covered her cobblers with a layer of pie crust that ‘floats’ in bubbling fruit juices.

The method of using pie pastry in a cobbler is similar to the Pandowdywhich is made small pieces of dough pressed down into the juices of the fruit. Our very popular Old-FashionedBlackberry Cobbler is made with layers of pastry cooked between juicy berries.

I also make cobblers with a ‘drop-biscuit’ topping like this luscious Black Raspberry Cobbler. So as you can see, there may not be a wrong way to make a cobbler. As long as you have a floating crust over a juicy sweet or savory filling, I think you’ve got it made!

Easy Plum Cobbler Recipe (3)

Served warm from the oven, Plum Cobbler is incredibly delicious.

When serving cobbler there’s no waiting on the dessert to set up and cool. Scoop out a nice big serving of hot plum cobbler and top it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. If you’re not married, and want to be, this may be the ticket to get you down the aisle. Just saying, it may not hurt to try 😁

Easy Plum Cobbler Recipe (4)

I would be remiss if I didn’t take a minute to talk about the amazing plum!

European plums are most often used to make prunes. However, in the United States you may notice that prunes are often referred to as dried plums.

Plums are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that help iron absorb into the body. Prunes have also been known to help normalize blood sugar levels and are loaded with soluble fiber.

Enjoy plums like you would an apple, peach or pear. They’re juicy, sweet and have a lovely deep flavor and make a pretty great plum cobbler too!

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Easy Plum Cobbler Recipe (5)

Easy Plum Cobbler Recipe (6)

Easy Plum Cobbler

Prep Time: 20 minutes mins

Cook Time: 45 minutes mins

Total Time: 1 hour hr 5 minutes mins

Course: Dessert

Author: Tricia

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5 from 83 votes

Sliced fresh plums topped with a sweet crumbled dough, cobbled together for a quick and easy dessert featuring these delicious, juicy fruits.


For the filling:

  • 8 cups fresh plums pitted and sliced (about 8-10 large plums)
  • cup light brown sugar packed
  • 2 tablespoons apple brandy (optional)
  • ½ Granny Smith apple peeled and grated on a large box grater
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

For the topping:

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • cup granulated sugar
  • 8 tablespoons unsalted butter cubed and cold
  • cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 tablespoon coarse sugar for topping
  • vanilla ice cream to serve (optional)


  • Preheat oven to 375°F.

  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the plums, brown sugar, brandy, grated apple, cornstarch and cinnamon. Spoon the mixture into a 9" or 10" cast iron skillet or a lightly greased casserole dish.

  • In a medium mixing bowl combine the flour, baking powder, salt and granulated sugar. Add the butter and using a pastry blender, cut in the butter until the mixture resembles a coarse meal. Add the cream and stir with a fork just until moistened. Gently press the mixture together using a spatula, forming a loose dough. Crumble the dough on top of the plum mixture. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of coarse sugar.

  • Bake until the top is golden brown and the filling is bubbling, about 45 minutes. Serve warm topped with ice cream if desired.

Recipe Notes

  • We used Calvados Apple Brandy for this recipe.

Nutritional information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered as an estimate. When multiple ingredient alternatives are given, the first listed is calculated for nutrition. Garnishes and optional ingredients are not included.


Calories: 402kcal | Carbohydrates: 55g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 19g | Saturated Fat: 12g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 5g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 57mg | Sodium: 237mg | Potassium: 320mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 36g | Vitamin A: 1218IU | Vitamin C: 16mg | Calcium: 84mg | Iron: 1mg

Looking for a few more delicious recipes featuring plums?

Don’t forget about using plums in a savory dish like this 15-Minute Tangy-Sweet Plum Spiced Chicken.

I’m also loving this Plum Skillet Cake Recipeperfect any time of the day.

And how about making some homemade Plum Jam?It’s so much easier than you’d think!

Our Plum Pie and Plum Cake are also great recipes you’ll want to try. If you’re loaded with plums this season we have plenty of great recipes for you to try.

Finally, plums seem to be a forgotten fruit, bringing up the end of the line after the peaches, nectarines and apricots. Let’s help the plum rank higher on the list – eat more plums!

Easy Plum Cobbler Recipe (2024)


How do you keep cobbler from getting soggy? ›

The result is a soupy cobbler with a soggy top. Try this: Add one to two tablespoons of cornstarch to the filling. Partnered with a little sugar and lemon juice, this will make a lush sauce for the fruit. When baking, be sure the filling is bubbling-hot to ensure the cornstarch is cooked enough to thicken.

How many plums make 4 cups? ›

Plums – Depending on their size, you'll need about 6 to 8 plums to get 4 cups of slices. This measurement is a ballpark, so no worries if you have a little more or less than 4 cups.

Why do you put cornstarch in a cobbler? ›

Making the Fruit Filling

You can bake a cobbler with just fruit as the filling, but a little sugar and cornstarch tossed with the fruit before baking will work together to create a lush sauce from the fruit's juices. This is the thing that turns a good cobbler into a knock-out dessert.

What are the best plums for baking? ›

Black Amber Plums

As their name suggests, these plums have dark outer skin, but they're yellowish on the inside. Because Black Amber plums are typically firmer than other plum cultivars, they're the perfect option for baking into pies and other desserts.

Why did my cobbler turn out like cake? ›

If you use enough batter to completely cover the fruit, you'll end up with a cobbler that's far too bready, more like an upside-down cake.

Is it OK to eat 2 plums a day? ›

An adult can eat 4 to 6 fresh plums in a day depending on how big the fruits are. Children however should eat only 2 to 3 plums a day. You should avoid eating too many plums at one go. Since it is rich in organic acids, excessive consumption of plums can cause diarrhea or other gastrointestinal disorders.

How many plums make 1 pound? ›

Here is a quick conversion tip for cooking: 1 pound fresh plums equals 6 to 8 whole plums equals 2 ½ cups sliced equals 2 cups cooked.

Is it better to can or freeze plums? ›

If you have an abundance of ripe, juicy plums, your best bet is to freeze them to enjoy later. Freezing plums is as easy as can be, and the fruit wedges will last up to six months in your freezer.

What ingredient makes a crisp different from a cobbler? ›

Cobbler: A fruit dessert made with a top crust of pie dough or biscuit dough but no bottom crust. Crisp/crumble: In Alberta, the terms are mostly interchangeable. Both refer to fruit desserts similar to cobbler but made with a brown sugar streusel topping sometimes containing old-fashioned rolled oats.

Why is my cobbler gummy? ›

To be clear, you can use any fruit for making cobbler, but using canned fruit or, worse, canned pie filling can result in a sickly sweet cobbler with a gummy filling. Try this: Fresh fruit is grand, but frozen fruit works too.

Why is my cobbler mushy? ›

If your Peach Cobbler is mushy, it means either 1) your peaches were too ripe and broke down too much when baking (this can also produce a mushy topping), or 2) the Peach Cobbler was overbaked. Take care to use firm but ripe peaches and bake the cobbler until the topping reaches 200 degrees F.

Do you have to peel plums before baking? ›

Prep tips: If you are using plum slices or halves in a pie or tart, leave the skins intact; they give the finished dish a pretty color. But if you're making a plum puree for an ice cream, jelly or jam, the skins will be too tart and should be removed.

What is the tastiest plum? ›

Greengage plums are some of the sweetest plums available and are one of the only varieties that have green skin at the point of ripening. Mirabelle – Mirabelle plums are native to France. Also known as cherry plums, these yellow plums are sweet and often turned into jams and jellies.

What to avoid when buying plums? ›

When buying plums, select fruits that are, firm, fleshy and bright-colored but not too ripe. Avoid plums that are too soft as they may be spoiled. You can keep plums at room temperature to ripen. Once ripened, keep them in the refrigerator for a few days.

How do you keep cobbler fresh? ›

Serve fresh with vanilla ice cream or homemade whipped cream. Enjoy! To store leftover cobbler, place in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to a week. To reheat leftovers in the oven, bake at 400°F for 15-20 minutes.

Can you prep a cobbler the day before? ›

Peach cobbler isn't the kind of dessert that you can just reheat the next day without it getting soggy. Cobblers contain a lot of moisture, so if you want to make one ahead, prep and store the filling and topping separately in the refrigerator and then bake off the cobbler when ready to serve.

How do you keep the bottom of a galette from getting soggy? ›

Adding cornstarch to the fruit filling and brushing the inner crust with egg white ensures a perfectly crisp bottom.

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