Mission: The Assistant (2024)

Mission: The Assistant (1)This article does not meet our standards. You can help improve it.

The Assistant is a side mission.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Conduct
    • 2.1 Be on Time!
    • 2.2 Go to the Research Center
    • 2.3 Clean up the Research Center
    • 2.4 Talk to Qi
    • 2.5 Check the Cupboard
    • 2.6 Repair the Pew
    • 2.7 Write Reports
      • 2.7.1 Jeweled Egg Piece
      • 2.7.2 Yo-Yo
      • 2.7.3 Fragments of DNA Model
  • 3 Post Conduct
  • 4 Rewards


The player must have more than 50 relationship points with Qi.

To start the mission, the player must check the advertisem*nt poster near the upper entrance of the Research Center before entering.


Mission: The Assistant (2)This article does not meet our standards. You can help improve it.

Once the player enters the Research Center, a generic man will run into the player:

Generic ManAgh! You're here for the interview too?! J-just... run away while you still can! He's crazy, crazy I tell ya!

The player approaches Qi.

Assistant, come here and analyse this data!
There appears to be a miscalculation on page 117, you've left a recursive digit. I would suggest you repeat these calculation... Assistant. Hand me the data from last night.
Hm, it appears that my assistant has somehow... changed into the Builder. Interesting.
So, where did he go? The man just now, where is he?
You aren't the assistant that was appointed to me by the City Hall. Just now, did he... run away? Tsk, Atara's education system is underwhelming.
I am finding the lack of interest in the subject somewhat surprising of these assistants. they give up so readily on the pursuit of knowledge. Do they not find science utterly fascinating?
City Hall promised me a capable assistant. At first they even suggested that fry cook at the saloon. An archaeologist? What next, a sociologist? The nerve of those people!
  • Why don't I help you?
  • Well good luck with that.
→Why don't I help you?
I see a glint of discovery in your eyes. Perhaps you could fulfill this role. I am quite busy making preparations for an observation of an Old World orbital construction facility, so your assistance would be appreciated.
→Well good luck with that.
If you find a good candidate, please send them to me.

If the player declines Qi's request, he will wait until they accept his request.

We will begin tomorrow. You can report to the Research Center at you convenience. There are many things to be done, so come prepared.
For the sake of clarity: I will be paying you according to Sandrock regulation. See you tomorrow.

Be on Time![]

You've promised Qi to work as an assistant in the Research Center. Remember to turn up on time!Be on Time!

The player will have to wait until the next day to continue the mission.

Go to the Research Center[]

Today is the first day of your work as Qi's assistant. Go to the Research Center.Go to the Research Center.

Qi greets the player as they enter the Research Center.

Player, you're here. Today is your first day as assistant to the Director.
Your first job is utmost importance. My previous experiment produced much detritus, and it is in need of disposal.
  • Right away, boss.
  • So... an assistant is a fancy word for cleaner?
→Right away, boss.
Director, and good.
→So... an assistant is a fancy word for cleaner?
"Responsibilities may include and disposal of waste material." The terms of employment are quite clear.
If I were not the only one with qualification to do this research, I would be excited to dispose of such fascinating waste. Perhaps you do not see the scientific value in biohazardous waste?
Now, before you finish, please do not disturb me. There should be a feather duster somewhere if you need it.

Clean up the Research Center[]

I didn't know that being Qi's assistant would consist of cleaning, but you don't really have much of a choice.Clean up the Research Center
  • Materials cleaned 0/3
  • Litter cleaned 0/3

There are several piles of trash lying around the Research Center that the player will need to clean up by interacting with them. Despite what Qi says, a feather duster is not required, though there is one upstairs on a chair. It is always rare quality.

Talk to Qi[]

You've finished cleaning the Research Center. Go and tell Qi.Talk to Qi


Very good. Now I will assign you your next task.
There are many relics in that cabinet. Organize them for analysis, and write a preliminary report.

Check the Cupboard[]

Qi has given you the task of writing reports on the relics in the cabinet. go and see which relics are stored there.Check the Cupboard

A cutscene begins, where the player approaches the cupboard. They open the doors slightly, before all the contents of the cabinet fall out on top of them and knock them to the floor. The noise gets Qi's attention, who turns briefly towards the player, before shaking his head and returning to his work. The player picks themself up.

  • Your cabinet almost killed me!
  • Mission: The Assistant (24)Don't you care about me?
→Your cabinet almost killed me!
I'm sorry about that. Do not worry about it for now. Let's carry on.
→Don't you care about me?
Of course I do. You are my assistant, and we still have much work to be done.
  • Do you need me to fix it?
  • You don't care about me at all!
→Do you need me to fix it?
No. that is beyond your responsibilities as assistant. Now let us begin.
→You don't care about me at all!
Of course I do. Your work performance is directly related to your compensation, so I care a lot about you. I need to ensure my research fund is not being used negligently.
Now, let us continue. As a Builder, I suppose you are not particularly familiar with report writing. I will give you a briefing.
  • Yes, please explain.
  • I know how to write a report.
→Yes, please explain.
Take the relics from the shelf, with care, observe, and research. The information gathered should be divided into appearance, form, and assigned research value. It is then written in the preliminary report in VGA format.
→I know how to write a report.
You know? Then good. Remember to pay attention to format and structure. We will be using VGA standard for formatting.
Since it is your first day, I will not assign you too many. We are aiming to focus on quality rather than quantity.
Fifty reports should be adequate.
  • Right, away buddy!
  • Can we do it tomorrow instead?
  • Fifty?!
→Right, away buddy!
Director. And good. Well, let's get on with it then. And please don't bother me unless there is an imminent catastrophic disaster.
→Can we do it tomorrow?
This is today's work. By 24:00, please. Not a second later.
I don't understand your logic. As a new assistant in research field, shouldn't you want to be associated with as many relics as possible to get familiar with the research process?

If the player picks the first option, they immediately begin writing the relic reports. If the player picks the second or third options, Dan-bi will appear.

Player? Where's the builder? Ah! Phew, you're a hard one to find!
You're looking for my assistant? Is something the matter?
Huh? Your assi-wha? Director, we have an urgent situation here, enough of the jokes already! Player, you have to help us out at the Temple! A pew broke!
Wait. Player was hired by me through official means, and according to regulation. If you leave now, you are leaving without permission, and I will take that as an official resignation.
In addition, if Player goes to help you Church, then what? They repair some tables and chairs? How does that compare to important research? Do you not understand what's at stake here?
The Church's work is also important! Besides, all work is important! Everything is the same under the Light. You're always trying to fight against the Church! Even the Builder is your victim now!
Ah. I understand. You wish to sabotage my research. Has your disgust with the Old World not limits?! You would interfere the progress of Science!? Science!?
You know I love your silly voices, Director, but now is not the time!
...Assistant, please show our intruder the door.
  • We have to do research. Please leave.
  • Sorry Qi, Sandrock needs me. I am... a Builder.
→We have to do research. Please leave.
Really? He got to you, too? Fine! I give up!
Qi(Relationship +2)
Finally some peace and quiet. Please start the relic reports.

The player will then be tasked with writing the relic reports.

→Sorry Qi, Sandrock needs me. I am... a Builder.
You wish to resign!?
Qi(Relationship -5)
Dan-bi(Relationship +5)
You heard the Builder! They're resigning and you can't stop them!
Very well. This is your pay for your working hours. Player, I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed. Now if you don't mind, I have work to do.

The player will then be tasked with repairing the pew.

Repair the Pew[]

Dan-bi has come with an urgent request. Finally you can escape Qi's clutches.Repair the Pew

The player and Dan-bi will leave the Research Center.

Wow, I didn't notice back there, but Player, you look awful. The things you must have seen... I can't even imagine. Are you still okay to help repair the Temple?
  • No problem at all!
  • I think I need to go and rest.
→No problem at all!
Phew! I'm glad you're okay! Thank you for your help. See you later!
→I think I need to go and rest.
I understand. I'll find someone else to make it, you go an rest. See you later.

Choosing the second option will fail the mission, and the player will not receive any rewards.

Write Reports[]

You need to do the reports correctly to fulfill your assistant duties. Make sure you write them in the appropriate style.Write Reports
  • Reports 0/3

There will be three relics scattered all over the floor that the Player needs to make a report of:

Jeweled Egg Piece[]

What should the report say?
  • Use of eggshells in agriculture.
  • Analyze the tools used in construction.
  • I'm sooooo boooooored!
→Use of eggshells in agriculture.

Eggshell is sometimes ground into a powder and can be used as a fertilizer. Soaking them in water for fermentation is also helpful for crop growth, supposedly.
→Analyze the tools used in construction.

The incisions are smooth, and the surface is polished. It is likely made through advanced techniques. Unlike stone and silverware, eggshells are delicate, so finely tuned technology is required.
Qi(Relationship +2)
→I'm sooooo boooooored!

Boredom: A treatise on the human condition. What is boredom? If we conceptualize boredom as simply an absence of entertainment, then how do we understand a concept by absence? For millenia, it is presumed that man has struggled with entertainment. By the end of the Old World, it seems that humankind had invented such a plethora of entertainment services, that "option paralysis" occured, the provision of so many options that choosing alone is frightening, and people thus return to our old nemesis; boredom. Counteracting boredom in face of a diminishing need for work became human kind's priority. Once labor was outsourced to machines, humankind no longer had to focus on creation, and instead turned to consumption. Perhaps, we can hypothesize, this was the beginning of the end for the peoples of the Old World. We may never know. All we may do is realize that boredom is humankind's oldest and most persistent nemesis.


What should the report say?
  • The principles of yo-yo physics.
  • How to do the trick "Around the World."
  • Uhhh...
→The principles of yo-yo physics.

The mechanical clutch yo-yo is equipped with a clutch mechanism that triggers when the yo-yo reaches the lowest point during the spin. The centrufugal force created by the yo-yo causes the clutch to open, and the yo-yo will remain in position. As the yo-yo slows down, the clutch is closed, and the yo-yo will rise again due to inertia. (I have no idea what this means, found it in a book.)
Qi(Relationship +2)
→How to do the trick "Around the World."

Eggshell is sometimes ground into a powder and can be used as a fertilizer. Soaking them in water for fermentation is also helpful for crop growth, supposedly.

I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm writing a report on a yo-yo? It goes up and down I guess... what even is VGA standard?

Fragments of DNA Model[]

What should the report say?
  • Relic restoration.
  • Possibilities of gene editing.
  • How cool the spinny bits are.
→Relic restoration.

The model is made form a synthetic resin, which has different properties to natural resin. The fossil form of natural resin is amber. When repairing this model, materials such as different fibers and steel cables could be used.
→Possibilities of gene editing.

Gene editing has a purality of uses and applications. If we could acquire some of the knowledge from the Old World, we could rediscover the practical uses, such as hybridization, in-vitro gene editing, or even creating new, resiliant crops. (I just copied words from a book, not sure what some of them mean...)
Qi(Relationship +2)
→How cool the spinny bits are.

The way the sides spin is really awesome! I bet that when they spin they go really, really fast! I think it's called aerodynamics.

After completing all three relic reports, the player starts to feel tired.

The work is endless... I'm... so very tired... Just lay my head for a moment.
  • Push through. [Stamina reduce by (-20)]
  • Just a little nap...
→Push through. (Stamina reduce by -20)
Good work. This all seems to be in order. You are an excellent assistant.
Take this cup of Sand Tea. It will help you concentrate.
Summer Sand Tea
These relic may seems ordinary, but each piece has valuable information to be gleamed. You never know how each one could invariably help the human race move forward.
It seems, however, that your productivity has diminished. We may stop for today. Do you have any questions?
→Just a little nap...
Wake up, Player.
This was considerable hindrance on my research. I understand that this is you first day, but this was less than exemplary performance. Tomorrow you will not sleep.
  • How did I do?
  • No questions.
→No questions.
Very well. We begin again tomorrow.

The mission ends here if the player chooses this option.

→How did I do?
I have not had time to read your reports, but although you are lacking the desired experience, I was impressed with your dedication. You have lasted longer any other assistant. Well done.
  • Thank you for your feedback.
  • Mission: The Assistant (97) So, you like spending time with me?
→Thank you for your feedback.
You are welcome.
→So, you like spending time with me?
Perhaps. I did enjoy researching with my friend when I was younger. But I have mostly sought solitude for my work since a certain cretin took credit for my effort back during in my university days…
Working with you today have given me second thought on going at everything alone.
Regardless, I’ve certainly appreciated having you as an assistant.
You may leave now. I've got more work to do. Goodbye.

Post Conduct[]

The next day, the Player will receive a letter from the City Hall:

Mission: The Assistant (103)


From: Sandrock City Hall


We received report yesterday that your work with the Research Center had interrupted your current work as some of the Sandrock's most prominent Builders. City Hall has discussed the issue with the Commerce Guild and we have decided that your role as Builder is too critical to be interrupted. After coming to an agreement with Director Qi, he has agreed to terminate your employment at the Research Center

Thank you for your dedication, but taking care of you health is also crucial.

Sandrock City Hall

If the player pays a visit to the Research Center, Qi will explain to them them personally next time they talk to him:

I apologize. I tried to talk to City Hall to explain the importance of your work as assistant, but they wouldn’t listen to me.
Sandrock’s official wage for assistant Researcher work is pitifully small. I decided to increase that to the average salary for an assistant in Vega 5. Please accept the difference.


Experience +2,700
Gols +500
Qi: Relationship +15

Mission: The Assistant (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.