Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (2024)

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Moqueca is a flavorful Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk and cilantro. Taught to me by my Brazilian friend Fernanda, this chunky, creamy and filling seafood soup is ready in 30 minutes and will become a family favorite.

Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (1)

I was sweating as I ladled out my first serving of Brazilian moqueca to my guests. This coconut milk fish stew was the main course on a busy evening celebrating Brazilian music and flavors. This recipe was not my brainchild; it was taught to me by my friend Fernanda, who was standing beside me, overseeing my every move.

Getting the flavors of this soup wrong meant offending my friend, her family's recipe, and centuries of Brazilian cooks who have been making this historic dish for centuries. I simply couldn't get it wrong.

Luckily for me, I didn't. The compliments came pouring in as guests sipped on their servings of this fish soup with coconut milk. And Fernanda's smile was worth every moment of stress.

Moqueca is a traditional Brazillian fish stew that's rich in flavor and history. Originating from the coastal regions, this dish showcases a blend of African, Indigenous, and Portuguese culinary influences. Its combination of firm white fish, fragrant herbs, and creamy coconut milk creates a hearty and satisfying meal that's perfect for any occasion.

I particularly enjoy how versatile moqueca is; it can be made with different types of seafood and can be adapted in various ways to suit your family's preferences and dietary needs. Don't like fish? Make it with shrimp. Run out of coconut milk? Substitute it with cream, or non-dairy milk. Want some heat? Add a touch of jalapeno peppers.

Whether served over white rice to soak up the delicious sauce, like Colombian ajiaco soup, or accompanied by fresh bread, moqueca is a dish that brings warmth and joy to the table, making it a family favorite.

What Is Moqueca?

Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (2)

Moqueca is a traditional Brazilian seafood stew (Moqueca de peixe) that highlights the rich flavors of the coastline. Similar in flavors to Colombian Caribbean food, at its heart, moqueca is a nourishingseafood stew that's made with firm white fish and flavored with garlic, onions, tomatoes, tangy lime juice, and creamy coconut milk. These ingredients simmer together, infusing the stew with a vibrant, heartwarming taste.

What sets moqueca apart is the addition ofdendê oil, a red palm oil that contributes a distinctive flavor and color. But while this ingredient can be hard to find in North America, we use paprika and neutral grapeseed oil to get a similar flavor.

The stew recipe typically includes firm white fish and sometimes other seafood like prawns or shrimp. It is essential to garnish it with fresh cilantro before serving, which adds a burst of herby freshness.

The simplicity of preparation is part of its charm, making it an accessible dish for home cooks. Whether it's a weeknight dinner or a special occasion, moqueca brings a taste of Brazil to the table, offering comfort and a whirlwind of flavor in each bite.


Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (4)

To make the moqueca recipe, you will need to gather the following fresh ingredients from your pantry and fridge:

  • Halibut fish: make sure the fish is firm and fresh, and cut it into even pieces. You can also use cod, add seafood or even salmon, thought white fish is traditional.
  • Vegetables: A colorful mix of chopped red bell peppers, red onions, and a couple of celery stalks adds both flavor and crunch. I also grab a bunch of scallions and half a bunch of cilantro, to add a burst of fresh flavor to the broth.
  • Garlic: mince up some garlic cloves for that aromatic kick every great stew needs.
  • For the base: I choose a neutral oil like grapeseed or peanut oil for sautéing.
  • Tomatoes: a can of diced tomatoes and a can of creamy coconut milk bring everything together.
  • Seasonings: I'm generous with the paprika and don't forget to season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Dende oil (optional): this traditional Brazilian ingredient is part of what gives this dish a traditional flavor. However, I have found an easy way to replicate it - so check out the full recipe to get the breakdown.

Your kitchen will smell incredible as these flavors start to come together! See recipe card for exact quantities.


Step-By-Step Instructions

Here are the simple steps to follow to make a delicious moqueca:

Prepare the fish:

Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (5)

Begin by rubbing the fish with a mixture of garlic, salt, and black pepper. Let it marinate for about half an hour to infuse those flavors.

Cook the Vegetables:

Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (6)

Heat some oil in a large pot or Dutch oven over medium heat and gently cook the onions, bell peppers, and celery until they're tender, about 10 minutes.

Mix the paprika oil:

If not using dende oil, mix 2 tablespoons of neutral or peanut oil in a small bow with 1 teaspoon of paprika and the remaining garlic clove. Season with salt and pepper.

Build the Base:

Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (7)

Add canned tomatoes, paprika oil, and a touch more salt and pepper to the same pot. Bring to a simmer and let cook together for 5 minutes.

Layer the Ingredients:

Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (8)

Remove half the veggies from the pot and set aside. Then, over the layer of the cooked veggies at the bottom, lay the seasoned halibut over them, and top it off with the remaining vegetables.

Add the coconut milk:

Pour in the coconut milk over everything, lower the heat and cook until the fish is just cooked, which usually takes about 15 minutes.

Top with cilantro and scallions:

Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (9)

Add the diced cilantro and green onions to the pot. Season with lime juice, salt and pepper. I always taste it at this point to see if it needs any more seasoning.

Garnish and Serve:

Just before serving, sprinkle more fresh cilantro over the top for that burst of color and a fresh herb flavor. Enjoy!

Storage & Make Ahead

Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (10)

When I make Brazilian fish stew, I always set aside some for leftovers, because it tastes just as delicious the next day. To store, let the stew cool completely, then transfer it to an airtight container and refrigerate. It keeps well for up to3 days.

Top Tips

Select the Right Fish: opt forfirm white fishlike cod or halibut; they hold up well and don't fall apart in the stew.
Balance of Flavors: squeeze in just enough lime juice to add a zesty kick without overpowering the delicate taste of the fish.
Coconut Milk: Using full-fat rich coconut milk gives my Moqueca a creamyconsistency.

Accompanying Dishes

Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (11)

When you whip up a hearty batch ofmoqueca, serve it with a few side dishes that complement its rich and vibrant flavors. Here’s my go-to list:

  • White Rice: The traditional base for moqueca, white rice soaks up the delicious sauce beautifully.
  • Farofa: Moqueca in Brazil is usually served with farofa, toasted manioc (cassava) flour mixture, whichadds a crunchy texture contrast.
  • Pirão: This is a thick, creamy porridge made with cassava flour and fish stock, and it's just heartwarming.
  • Salad: I opt for a light and fresh green salad to balance the stew's richness.

Occasionally, I'll serve fried plantains for a sweet and savory touch, or a simplebean stewfor an even heartier meal. Each side brings its own unique flavor and texture, making the meal a memorable feast!


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Moqueca (Brazilian Fish Stew)

Ksenia Prints

Moqueca is a flavorful Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk and cilantro. Taught to me by my Brazilian friend Fernanda, this chunky, creamy and filling seafood soup is ready in 30 minutes and will become a family favorite.

5 from 92 votes

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Prep Time 30 minutes mins

Cook Time 20 minutes mins

Course Soup, stew

Cuisine Brazilian

Servings 4 servings

Calories 419 kcal


  • 1-2 pounds halibut cut into pieces, or other firm white fish like cod
  • 3 garlic cloves minced
  • ½ red onion chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper chopped
  • 2 celery stalks chopped
  • 1 14 ounce can diced tomatoes
  • Dende oil optional
  • 2 tablespoons peanut oil or other neutral oil
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 4 scallions chopped
  • ½ bunch cilantro chopped, plus more for serving
  • 2-4 lime wedges plus more for serving
  • Rice optional


  • In a pot, sauté onion, celery, bell pepper and cook until softened.

  • If using dende oil, skip this stage! Otherwise, in a small bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of neutral or peanut oil with 1 teaspoon of paprika and 1 remaining garlic clove. Add salt and pepper to taste.

  • Add tomatoes, dende oil or paprika oil, salt and pepper. Simmer 5 minutes.

  • Remove half the vegetables from the pot. Add the fish on top of the veggies in the pot. Cover with remaining vegetables.

  • Reduce the heat and pour the coconut milk over the top, adding the creaminess to this coconut milk and seafood soup. Cook for 15 minutes.

  • Top with diced scallions and cilantro.

  • Season with lime juice.

  • Taste and adjust seasoning.

  • Serve moqueca immediately, with more lime wedges and cilantro. Moqueca can also be served over rice for a full meal.


Serving: 1gCalories: 419kcalCarbohydrates: 11gProtein: 24gFat: 32gSaturated Fat: 23gPolyunsaturated Fat: 3gMonounsaturated Fat: 5gCholesterol: 56mgSodium: 98mgPotassium: 897mgFiber: 4gSugar: 6gVitamin A: 1158IUVitamin C: 48mgCalcium: 46mgIron: 2mg

Keyword Brazilian fish soup, Brazilian fish stew, coconut milk fish stew, fish soup with coconut milk, Moqueca recipe

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Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (13)

About Ksenia

Welcome to At The Immigrant's Table! I blend my immigrant roots with modern diets, crafting recipes that take you on a global kitchen adventure. As a food blogger and photographer, I'm dedicated to making international cuisine both healthy and accessible. Let's embark on a culinary journey that bridges cultures and introduces a world of flavors right into your home. Read more...

  • Moqueca recipe (Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk) (2024)
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