Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (2024)

Sophia Triad

2,240 reviews3,619 followers

February 3, 2019

Ashtar (what a cool name!) and Veronica

This is another book that I enjoyed very very much from this series. Actually this book may be considered a crossover with the Fireblood Dragon series.

The main character, Ashtar, is a dragoni. Unlike the fierce dragons in the Fireblood series that have conquered Earth, Ashtar is very reserved and not that crazy. He was stolen when he was 8 years old, his wings had been clipped and thus he cannot fly when he transforms into a dragon and the slavers made him a gladiator. Ashtar had changed a lot of masters until he ended up at the ice planet.

Veronica is the most plain girl. Plain looks, a plain job back in Earth, plain personality. And she is a klutz. So, when this golden alien guy starts courting her, she does not understand whether he is making fun of her or if he is serious.

I was glad with the events of this book as Veronica realises that she is not as plain as she thinks. She is important and special and she will help many people in this book and I imagine in the next books.

Ashtar is not friendly at all in the beginning. He does not trust easily and he cannot stand other males. Maybe by the end of the book, he will make some friends and he will be able to fly again.
Veronica will do her best to help him.

Since Ashtar is a virgin, he does not really know how to approach his woman and he is very hesitant in the beginning. This causes many many funny scenes and dialogues.

"What if the females invite us to mate them?"
"Then you may mate them." He rubs his brow.
"What if…" one of the a'ani begins, sitting up straighter. "What if one trips and falls and lands upon my co*ck? Can I mate her if she is on me?"
This seems like a valid question. I look at the leader.
For some reason, he has both of his hands over his face. "No," he says flatly. "No one will trip and fall upon your co*ck."
"They might," I add. "You never know."

Hahahahahahahahahaha...once more the humorous scenes are incredible.

Well, Ashtar may lack in experience, but he is overenthusiastic. Veronica soon will be enthralled by him.

One of my favourite books in the series!

    1paranormal-lovestories 3sciencefiction-lovestories dragons

♛ Garima ♛

944 reviews183 followers

June 7, 2022

I enjoyed it less 2nd time which is strange with this series - hence I rerated it from 4 to 3.
I liked Ashtar less and feel frustrated with Veronica 2nd time around :(

Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (3)

I now understood Ruby's trick...Even though she writes about a couple at a time, she provides a little bit about another you'd finish this and then start waiting for the next one, almost immediately...such a tease!

I loved this. I mean think about it, if you are stuck on Ice Planet, what would you need? A dragon! of course.

This was fun and new! Because you have Cootie, resonance with Dragon mate stuff, fire, psychic mental link, and healer threw into the mix. bit overwhelming but easy to follow through since I read IPB exclusively. I am not big a fan of her Dragon series but it wasn't a problem here since Ashtar was stolen from his planet when he was barely 8 or 9 and don't remember much of his home planet, just as well...

Veronica was a likable character. She was nothing special, as per her, and I am sure we ladies can relate to that. It is just as well that she turned out to be Healer since our new tribe needs a Healer - all too convenient but I am not complaining. I really liked Veronica and Ashtar separately and together...waiting for the next one...

    adult alien beautiful-cover


330 reviews124 followers

October 8, 2019

Yup, this series is still -

Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (5)

Ruby has really perfected this wonderfully creative world to absolute superbness. I know that I am always singing her praises but she juggles so many characters across this intertwined series that I am always left baffled by her talent. You can't tell me that it's not impressive! Now she brought a little Fireblood to the mix with Ashtar. *sighs dreamily*

Don't fret if you haven't dabbled into the Fireblood series, Ashtar may be a Drakoni but he definitely isn't wrapped up in the happenings of his home planet. He was taken as a slave when he was young and forced to be a warrior - just like the other males that have been introduced previously. So when he discovers that he is free and able to claim a mate, that becomes his number one goal. And yes, hilarity ensues...

And while I thought that Ashtar would be my favorite part of this story, it actually turned out to be Veronica. She is a clumsy, ordinary human that feels to be a bit of outsider. She couldn't understand why the golden hunk was trying so hard for her attention. Her character, for me, was just very relatable. I love how she really came into her calling after she received her khui - and how protective Ashtar is about her ability.

Like I said, this series is just absolutely brilliant. I can't wait to see what Ruby comes up with next!

5 stars!

Ꮗ€♫◗☿ ❤️ ❤️

2,293 reviews2,231 followers

June 16, 2022

Drakoni on the Ice Planet!

Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (7)

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙
Romance: 💚🖤💙❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘
World building: 🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐
Character development: 🐲😚👽🥰

The heroine:

Veronica - she woke up in a cryopod to find out that she was abducted from Earth by Aliens, rescued, and has now crash landed on an Ice Planet. She is wary of the aliens that were also freed from the cryopods, she certainly isn’t ready to mate one of them.

The Hero(es):

Ashtar - a Drakonian warrior (see Fireblood Dragons Series) who was taken from his home at a young age and enslaved. He was forced to fight in the gladiator death matches for his master until he was sold and was being transported to a new master when the ship crashed. He knew as soon as he woke that he wanted Veronica. He liked how she smelled.

The Story: The crashed ship is found by some of the Ice Planet Barbarians and their mates, who tell them that In order to live on the ice planet that doesn’t readily support humanoid life, each of the people that were on the crashed ship have to get a parasite which lives inside their bodies and helps them live on the planet. The women from Earth who landed years ago call the symbiote a ‘Cootie’.

The cootie is what picks the mates. When the cootie in an alien male and the cootie in a human female resonate to each other (vibrates in their chest), that means the two are mates. Ashtar and Veronica resonate as soon as their cooties are put in.

I liked this story and want to read more of this series. It is an offshoot of the Ice Planet Barbarian series, but new because there were a few different races of male aliens in the cryopods, each with their own differences. Ashtar is a dragon shifter and he is quite funny. Especially when they first wake up and are arguing about claiming the women. The barbarian king, Vectal tells them that the cootie chooses their mates but the women have to consent and Ashtar and the others ask if they can have the women if the women happen to fall on a particular part of their anatomy.

The book was told in dual points of view and the narration was dual narration, where the male narrator does all the voices in the chapters that are told in Ashtar’s point of view and the female narrator does all the voices in the chapters that were in Veronica’s point of view. The narrators were Sean Crisden and Felicity Munro, both are good readers and I like Sean Crisden’s voice but I am not a fan of Felicity Munro, her voice grates on my ears a bit, though not enough to turn off the audio.


    00-audiobooks-i-own action-adventure aliens


1,286 reviews133 followers

May 31, 2018

This book was so good. Whenever I read this series or the original I get swept right back into the world. I love how this author always finds ways to make these two series new and interesting and never old or tired. The hero was just what I was hoping for and more. It was so interesting to see how the healers work and think, I had never thought too much about it but in this book we really get to see how it all works and I thought it was really fascinating. I can't wait for the next book in this series and the twins books. Honestly every time I read these books I am excited and anxious for the next books to come.


1,280 reviews263 followers

July 18, 2020

It was certainly a joy ride.
I enjoyed it very much. Their first meeting and Ashtar’s arrogance & swag made me aww! The main characters balanced each other perfectly. They were very likable too. I also enjoyed the progress of New arrivals. What I didn’t like was the way author introduced secondary characters Willa and Gren. ( i think it’s their book next).
They stood out like thorn. I have also noticed that I almost never likes they way author portrays next book characters as result I have skipped some books in series. They come out as ungrateful, selfish and totally unlikable. Like in previous book Marisol slapped the heroine Lauren when she tried to help, like clair snapped at keira in other series for showing concern and again when Asha tried to seduce Keira’s hero etc.. etc!
Still epilogue was a gem and I will definitely recommend this to everyone.

Alex ☣ Deranged KittyCat ☣

651 reviews422 followers

December 16, 2018

I'm glad I gave the Icehome series a second chance. After a glorious DNF with the first book, I'm back (four hands were just too many for me).

I like Ruby Dixon's magic. It's perfect for this season. And it's amazing all year long. Her books aren't just about sex, even if there's insta-love (thanks to the cootie). The couple fools around quite a bit before the actual sex starts. I think it was after 80% with this novel.

So I need to get back on track with the cold planet.

    adult aliens erotica

Natalie Randall

126 reviews49 followers

November 26, 2023

2⭐️ I enjoyed this book because I enjoy this whole series in general. But honestly, Ashtar just wasn’t for me. I completely understand he’s very very traumatised by his past, but he was still too much of an asshole for me to love him like all of the other male alien protagonists.


4,560 reviews486 followers

March 10, 2023

I'm honestly not completely sold on this spin of series but I've already read a few books in the series. It has the cozyness of feeling very familiar but also the opposite feeling of it being to similar to every other book. Obviously there are differences but at the moment it doesn't quite feel like it.


1,884 reviews453 followers

June 4, 2018

Cute as always!
We have a golden dragon here instead of a big blue barbarian! Yeah!
He's a little different than our usual hero in these stories. He's still all mate, but he's also very alpha and he has difficulties understanding why he need the tribe when he's big, strong and has his mate with him!!??
He's a little confused, but Veronica, very patiently, explain the why to him!
As I said, very cute!



328 reviews111 followers

September 24, 2023

** First Read** 1️⃣
March 29, 2020
4 stars.

** Reread** 2️⃣
August 15, 2022.
4 stars.

** Re-read** 3️⃣
September 24, 2023
4 stars.

➕ What I liked :

Rather interesting main characters.

Good romantic build up and chemistry.

Sweet couple.

Some funny parts.

That the hero was a different alien species (Drakoni) and not a Sa-khui/Mesakkah alien.

The heroines gift.

That the heroine was rather perceptive/percipient when she wanted to be.
(Tries to see things from the heroes POV and the other aliens and humans as well...and Not have exaggerated miscommunication/misunderstandings… she is more emotionally mature than many of the other humans.)

The heroines patience with the hero.

➖ What I disliked :

The side characters took over a little too much of the story in some parts.

The heroine was little bit too self-deprecating (rather low self-esteem/self-worth) about almost everything about herself … until she got her “gift”.

Some parts were a bit repetitive…. Mostly about the heroine going on about the heroes appearance/looks.

Formulaic in the character description/character choice: small “delicate” human and Huge hulking/buff alien.
(Would have been/Would be really interesting to maybe see much more variety in the character descriptions/character choices.)

    a-little-repetitive alien awkward-heroine-or-hero


2,321 reviews54 followers

May 26, 2019

Me enamore de esta novela. No hay otra forma de describir lo mucho que me encanto este libro, y eso que pense que no cumpliria mis expectativas debido a lo altas que eran, pero lo sorprendente es que fue mucho mejor de lo que esperaba.

La saga Ice Planet Barbarian ha sido un autentico descubrimiento, la inicie por pura curiosidad y desde entonces se ha convertido en una de las mas memorables que he leido ultimamente, tanto asi que planeo leer todos los libros de Ruby Dixon que pueda conseguir en mis manos, en parte por eso empece esta especie de spin off, y las dos partes que llevo leidas no han podido ser mas impresionantes.

Si pense que Lauren' s Barbarian era una historia sensacional, esta secuela ha sido aun mas asombrosa, literalmente no podia borrar las sonrisa tonta de mi cara mientras me adentraba en la historia de amor de Veronica y Ashtar, ni siquiera fui capaz de encontrar un solo detalle que no me conquistara de su relacion, ademas en mi opinion que el protagonista masculino sea un shifter fue un toque muy refrescante para una serie novedosa y diferente.

La pluma de la autora me gusta mucho, es directa y tan ligera que da gusto pasar las paginas de sus libros, pero lo que realmente me gusta aun mas de su estilo es el desarrollo tan original y sorprendente que tienen todas sus novelas, encima sus lecturas son una verdadera droga para mi, podria leer un libro tras otro durante meses y seguiria sin aburrirme.

Para terminar, Veronica' s Dragon es mi libro favorito de lo que he leido de la autora, no solo porque lo que narra es impresionante y adictivo sino tambien porque Ashtar y Veronica son dos personajes geniales que se robaron un pedazo de mi corazon.

Altamente recomendada!

4.75 Estrellas!!

587 reviews687 followers

July 14, 2021

3 stars


- Plain Jane Veronica and super hot (literally - he's a fire-breathing dragon) Ashen resonate as soon as they get their khuis
- Parallels book 1 in this series
- Double v-cards (kind of annoying that all H's in this series and the Ice Planet series are sporting 10-12" beer can dicks, but none of the h virgins experience any pain when they get it on for the first time)

Plot --- 3/5
Main Characters --- 4/5
Supporting Cast --- 4/5
Steam Level* --- 4/5
Violence --- nothing graphic or major
Language --- yes! (lots of f-bombs and c-bombs)
POV --- Dual

*Note that steam level is not a rating so much as a how hot was it: 0/5 - clean; 1/5 - mild (nothing descriptive); 2/5 - 3rd base action/1 home run; 3/5 - now we're getting somewhere (a couple of full-on steamy scenes); 4/5 - yes please! (erotica territory); 5/5 - they did EVERYTHING in this one, y'all

    aliens-and-sh-t contemporary fantasy


1,015 reviews93 followers

March 29, 2021

🐉 Like a dungeon dragon

Why does Ruby Dixon do this to me? First things first she builds a story like no other. Secondly she takes two people vulnerable and gives them the ability to hope. Lastly she makes dreams come true. This is book two in this series which is a spin off of the original Ice ❄️⛄️☃️planet 🌍 barbarian books. Filled with so much living, loving and snowy mountains. This series is so bittersweet and I am anxious to see what happens to our new companions.
This book literally had me on the edge of my seat with anxious anticipation. Onto the next one baby 😭✅


523 reviews20 followers

September 1, 2018

I don't understand how over a thousand people gave this book 5 and 4 stars. the heroine sounds like a ditzy 14yo it's incredibly annoying. I listened to the audio and both male and female narrators (dare i say) made it worse. The female had the most annoying voice and was fond of overacting. The male had a very bad "female voice" when reading the heroine's lines. These are the kind of books that lead to reading slumps.


583 reviews67 followers

May 25, 2018

Ruby never disappoints. Ever.

Taking place in line with Lauren's Barbarian, not necessarily having to be read in adjacent to it, this story started off with a total hoot. Because... Ashtar.

Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (20)

Immediately upon waking from his stasis, he smells humans. Not just any ol' humans. But unmated females. And I bet you can imagine what ensues from there.

Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (21)

More like Ashtar trying to flirt.

Yes, his attempt at seducing our dear Veronica is outstandingly hilarious and all so perfect. Totally in line with any other possessive male aliens we've come across. And it never gets old.

Ashtar knows what he wants and how he wants it and when he wants it to happen.

Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (22)

And the reactions from both Veronica and the other blue aliens had me on the floor. I just loved everything about him. How blunt he could be. How oblivious he clearly was to anything in respect to human "mating rituals." It was all just perfectly perfect.

Not going to say a whole lot but, DRAGONS, ALIENS, HOT STEAMY RUBY SMUT SCENCES. Not even remotely sorry for having enjoyed the awkwardness that was Gren and Willa.

Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (23)

    5-stars ebooks-read


Author17 books2,659 followers

July 21, 2022

Irgendwie sehr unspektakulär…

Valkyrie ✨

640 reviews822 followers

August 29, 2022

I want Ashtar to share his fires with me, what the hell, he’s the hottest alien husband so far and I’ve read 24 books lol

    faves romance-aliens


338 reviews1,909 followers

January 4, 2023

ice planet barbarians and firebood series mashed into one book, and i love it

Angela (Angel's Book Nook)

1,632 reviews914 followers

February 6, 2023

Veronica’s Dragon is book two in the Icehome series by Ruby Dixon.

This series should be read in order.

Ashtar is a sexy dragon-man on an ice planet. He’s arrogant and has swag. He’s been a slave all his life and has never been allowed a female, but he knows even with out ‘resonance’ that Veronica is his.

Veronica is the wallflower, the plain Jane of any group, and she has a reputation of being clumsy yet she feels the sexy golden man’s gaze on her and she's wondering why?

Veronica and Ashtar’s romance was perfect. They complement and balanced each other. It was sweet to see these two together. The world of the Ice Plant is expanded and I like that we along with these characters get to explore it and learn how to survive.

What a stunning story. It was so good that I started reading and couldn’t stop. Now, I haven’t read her Fireblood Dragons series, but another review I read mentioned that Ashtar is one of that species, so I’ll have to give check out the series. I do love dragons!

The novels in this series are told in duel POV’s. I very much enjoy this aspect of Dixon’s storytelling. I like to see both the hero and heroines side of things.

Veronica’s Dragon was another spectacular read in the Icehome series. I can’t wait to read on in the Icehome series. I just love coming back to this planet and it’s sexy alines. If your looking for Sci-Fi Romance than I highly recommend Ruby Dixon.

Rated: 4 Stars

Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (28)

    4-stars favorites kindle-unlimited


1,974 reviews101 followers

November 30, 2018

What an amazing story. I loved how Ruby Dixon took a Drakoni and placed him in the Ice Planet about getting your cake and eating it too :D

Veronica was always looked over and never stood out. Now she's the mate of a sexy dragon-man and she's got a pretty awesome "gift" as well.

    alien emotional-angst erotica

Suzanne (Under the Covers Book blog)

1,743 reviews550 followers

April 25, 2021

No matter what the primitive mesakkah say about ‘resonance’ Ashtar knows that Veronica is his mate. He has been a slave all his life and has never been allowed a female, but now he has Veronica in his sights, he plans on making her his. He does not need any help especially from interfering blue aliens, he is a champion of the arena and a mighty golden dragon, he can survive and protect his mate all by himself. Veronica can feel the beautiful golden man’s gaze on her…she doesn’t quite understand why. Not only is she plain, she has a well earned reputation for being dangerously clumsy as well. However, he insists she’s his and resonance seems to agree.

I have been so excited for this book! Not only are we back to the ice planet, we also have a little bit of a cross over with the Fireblood Dragons series as well. You don’t need to read the Fireblood Dragons series to understand the book though. Ashtar just happens to be the same species as the heroes in that series, only his life has taken a vastly different path. Instead he was captured by slavers as a child and has been fighting for his life in the arena ever since and when he reaches the ice planet and told he is free, he doesn’t quite believe it.

I loved Ashtar, although he has been raised in a fairly technological advanced society, years of fighting has given him a primitive edge. He’s also stubborn and suspicious, testing the boundaries with the sa’khui to see if they aren’t lying about his freedom. It’s cute but also a little heart rending to read. He instantly hones in on Veronica and much like the heroes in Dixon’s Ice Planet Barbarian books, he makes his interest adorably and at times hilariously obvious.

Veronica was a ‘plain jane’ type heroine, something that I like. She isn’t as pretty as some of the other girls and she is definitely the least graceful so Ashtar’s interest baffles her. However, Ashtar is hard to resist. So although she does have her insecure moments, she, like any sensible girl with a sexy golden god who’s as adorable as he is hot, gets down to it. They made a great couple and I loved seeing them come together. It was also interesting to see them both find their place on their new home with both the original characters from IPB and the newbies.

A great book in the series, as I now come to expect from Dixon, it was super hot and super sweet with a few laughs chucked in. Now gimme the next book!

    author-ruby-dixon fated-to-be-mated genre-romance

Under the Covers Book Blog

2,841 reviews1,352 followers

June 21, 2018

Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (32)No matter what the primitive mesakkah say about 'resonance' Ashtar knows that Veronica is his mate. He has been a slave all his life and has never been allowed a female, but now he has Veronica in his sights, he plans on making her his. He does not need any help especially from interfering blue aliens, he is a champion of the arena and a mighty golden dragon, he can survive and protect his mate all by himself. Veronica can feel the beautiful golden man's gaze on her...she doesn't quite understand why. Not only is she plain, she has a well earned reputation for being dangerously clumsy as well. However, he insists she's his and resonance seems to agree.

I have been so excited for this book! Not only are we back to the ice planet, we also have a little bit of a cross over with the Fireblood Dragons series as well. You don't need to read the Fireblood Dragons series to understand the book though. Ashtar just happens to be the same species as the heroes in that series, only his life has taken a vastly different path. Instead he was captured by slavers as a child and has been fighting for his life in the arena ever since and when he reaches the ice planet and told he is free, he doesn't quite believe it.

I loved Ashtar, although he has been raised in a fairly technological advanced society, years of fighting has given him a primitive edge. He's also stubborn and suspicious, testing the boundaries with the sa'khui to see if they aren't lying about his freedom. It's cute but also a little heart rending to read. He instantly hones in on Veronica and much like the heroes in Dixon's Ice Planet Barbarian books, he makes his interest adorably and at times hilariously obvious.

Veronica was a 'plain jane' type heroine, something that I like. She isn't as pretty as some of the other girls and she is definitely the least graceful so Ashtar's interest baffles her. However, Ashtar is hard to resist. So although she does have her insecure moments, she, like any sensible girl with a sexy golden god who's as adorable as he is hot, gets down to it. They made a great couple and I loved seeing them come together. It was also interesting to see them both find their place on their new home with both the original characters from IPB and the newbies.

A great book in the series, as I now come to expect from Dixon, it was super hot and super sweet with a few laughs chucked in. Now gimme the next book!

Reviewed by Suzanne❤ ♡ Don't want to miss any of our posts? Subscribe to our blog by email! ♡ ❤


2,469 reviews51 followers

July 29, 2018

Ruby Dixon is a wonderful storyteller!

I know that this series, Icehome, connects with the Ice Barbarian series along with the Corsair series, but now I am excited to find out that it is also within the world as her Fireblood Dragon series! I also curious as to the puzzle that the girls remember different years when they've been taken. But I'm sure Ms. Dixon already had it planned out how to explain this mystery. I can't wait to read more of her books to find out if there is an overall arc to all of her series!

    0-read-2018 erotica erotica-paranormal

Elle ♡ [semi-hiatus]

646 reviews92 followers

August 12, 2022

Original read: 2018
First re-read: 2022 (audiobook), I didn't love this one as much as I remembered, but I'll leave the 4 stars I assigned it...the drakoni plotline was a fun change-up from the blue guys. Veronica is the ultimate damsel in distress, but she's got sick healing powers and Ashtar's dragon form is indispensable to the tribe so they're kind of a power couple💁🏼‍♀️

    aliens dragons erotica


692 reviews331 followers

June 6, 2018

Uhhhh.... give me some more of these f*cking dragons pls?

    2018-read aliens amazon-kindle


242 reviews10 followers

June 4, 2018

I love Ruby Dixon's Ice Worlds! Veronica and her Dragon are a hot mess!

This one will make you giggle and laugh....and sigh..

I recommend this if you love a sweet love story....

Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (37)

    alien-hero alpha best-heroes


2,936 reviews194 followers

November 30, 2020

I enjoyed this story much more than book one. It had one of the funniest, laugh out loud initial meetings I think I've ever read! 4 stars


Mary Lee

497 reviews10 followers

June 5, 2018

one huge problem

I liked this story of Ashtar and Veronica but we didn't get any drama at all and I think maybe the author is just over her head with too many series to give us any depth. She's rushed and always behind and it's showing in her writing. It's not that it's bad, it's just not up to her previous abilities any longer. I still firmly believe that separating these tribes is just stupid and just adds one more series that isn't necessary. These Icehome series should be IPBs. The author spent the whole book convincing Ashtar how important friends and tribe are, but all his friends are the blue guys in the village who have to get home to their mates. She tried to convince us that in one out of the blue thought Veronica decides they want to be where they are because in the village they would be outsiders. Wth? That actually made no sense. They are living in tents with no privacy, no facilities or showers
They are all funky nasty and stinky. Sure let's stay here instead of going to where there is an actual tribe with their friends that has running water and toilets and a communal hot springs. I'm sorry but this just continues to be a stupid nonsensical idea. So apparently Veronica is already having these thoughts after she herself said how important friends and tribe are yet she feels like an outsider to her man's friends and the people that rescued them? Just that single paragraph that stood out as not a thought this person would have. Instead this is the author trying to force the situation. Not buying it at all since at the moment they all get along wonderfully. Why would they split off and not go to the village? She is just as much an outsider to everyone else on the ship that she didn't know as she is to the people that rescued them! Yep, just stupid logic. This planet is just too hostile to not live in tribes on the safest areas. Anyone that chooses differently are total idiots.


769 reviews1,096 followers

July 15, 2021

I’m in a little reading funk right now (don’t want to call it a slump and jinx myself) where I’m busy with other, non-reading-related things (like… real life) and so the little reading I do get in are re-reads from my favorite escapist author… Queen Ruby Dixon.

I skipped book 1 Lauren’s Barbarian because ugh, the language barrier. If they had found a way to resolve it not at like 85% I would love it but damn. I know it’s realistic but meh.

Anyway, Veronica’s Dragon was just as good, if not better, than I remembered. Ashtar is all co*cky arrogance and cluelessness. Watching him interact with the humans when he first woke up and then again after resonance hit was so funny. Zolaya acting like an overprotective, hovering dad to make sure he didn’t force Veronica into anything she didn’t want. GAH. Even the little bits we saw of Ashtar learning for the first time how to make friends as he talked to Bek and Hassen were adorable. And of course, there’s something poetic about him being such a predator and then paired with the woman who was given healing powers.

I do find this series much more light than IPB, maybe because the human women went from Earth > stasis > ice planet and never came into contact with the slavers.

Maybe my favorite quote, from Ashtar’s POV:

So I ask more questions. “What if the females invite us to mate them?”

“Then you may mate them.” [Vektal] rubs his brow.

“What if…” one of the a’ani begins, sitting up straighter. “What if one trips and falls and lands upon my co*ck. Can I mate her if she is on me?”

This seems like a valid question. I look at the leader.

For some reason, he has both of his hands over his face. “No,” he says flatly. “No one will trip and fall upon your co*ck."

    2020 2021 exophilia
Veronica's Dragon (Icehome, #2) (2024)
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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.