The One Ingredient that Makes Fried Chicken So Much Crispier (2024)

Meghan Splawn

Meghan Splawn

Meghan was the Food Editor for Kitchn's Skills content. She's a master of everyday baking, family cooking, and harnessing good light. Meghan approaches food with an eye towards budgeting — both time and money — and having fun. Meghan has a baking and pastry degree, and spent the first 10 years of her career as part of Alton Brown's culinary team. She co-hosts a weekly podcast about food and family called Didn't I Just Feed You.


published Mar 3, 2020

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The One Ingredient that Makes Fried Chicken So Much Crispier (1)

Is there anything more glorious than the crispy, cragged coating on juicy, savory chicken? If there is, I can’t think of it. Life with two kids and a husband raised in the South has me coating a lot of chicken (and pork) for weeknight dinners and celebratory meals, for frying and for baking, too.

Years of frying chicken for picnics, making crispy chicken nuggets for my kids, and even occasionally coating veggies for extra crispness has taught me to always have flour, breadcrumbs, and eggs on hand. But one of the most valuable ingredients is one you might not expect. This magical powder helps almost any coating stick to the food better and gives fried foods an even crispier coating without a double fry. Do you know what it is?

Cornstarch Is the Secret to the Crispiest Fried Chicken

You might keep cornstarch on hand for thickening gravy and making near-instant pudding at home. It’s primarily used as a thickening or gelling ingredient, but it’s also a smart ingredient for making cookies softer and for holding together fillings for jammy bars. And, it’s the secret ingredient for getting crispy coatings like tempura paper-thin.

So how exactly does it work? When paired with all-purpose flour, cornstarch helps prevent gluten development, which makes the flour coating crispier, and absorb moisture (from the frying and the chicken), which also means a crispier coating.

If you already have a favorite fried chicken recipe, try replacing a quarter of the flour with cornstarch. For example, instead of 2 cups of all-purpose flour use 1 1/2 cups of flour and 1/2 cup of cornstarch. If you are looking for a good recipe, we highly recommend this one. Either way, you’ll find yourself with extra crispy chicken, with a minimum of extra effort!

This is my favorite fried chicken recipe: How To Make Crispy, Juicy Fried Chicken

Your turn: What’s your favorite method for making chicken extra crispy?

The One Ingredient that Makes Fried Chicken So Much Crispier (2024)


What is the secret to keeping fried chicken crispy? ›

The best way to keep fried foods crispy? Just place them on a cooling rack set over a baking sheet. If you're frying multiple batches, throw the whole setup into a low oven to keep everything warm as you keep frying and adding to the rack.

What makes frying more crispy? ›

The perfect temperature for frying foods is 375°F (190°C). This temperature provides the ideal combination of heat and oil saturation to achieve a crispy, golden-brown texture. However, some recipes may require higher or lower temperatures depending on the type of food being fried.

What ingredient makes fried food crispy? ›

Interestingly, cornstarch contains 25 to 28 percent amylose, which is higher than the amount in wheat or potato starch (which are 20 to 22 percent amylose), and this is why cornstarch works the best for making crispy coatings on fried foods.

How does KFC get their chicken so crispy? ›

KFC deep fries its chicken for 15 minutes and then drains the oil off for another five minutes – 20 minutes in total. If you don't have a deep fryer, heat up plenty of oil in a large saucepan and do it that way.

How do you make chicken skin super crispy? ›

The dryer the chicken skin, the better it will crisp when cooked. When you unwrap your chicken from the package, pat it dry on all sides (and inside if it's whole) with paper towels. If you have time, pop it in the fridge uncovered overnight or even for an hour and let it dry out further in there.

Which oil is best for deep-frying crispy? ›

Oils with higher smoke points are ideal for deep frying because they can withstand higher temperatures without burning. Some common oils with high smoke points include peanut oil, canola oil, and safflower oil. These oils are suitable for high-heat cooking and provide a crispy texture to fried foods.

Why is my chicken not crispy when I fry it? ›

If your oil temp is too high, your fried chicken will be scorched on the outside with meat that is undercooked. If the oil is too cool, your chicken will be greasy and will lack the golden-brown crispy exterior you want.

Why add cornstarch to chicken? ›

Cornstarch and high heat mean super-crispy chicken every time. Before cooking, toss the chicken in cornstarch until completely coated. When the cornstarch hits the hot oil, something magic happens and your chicken with gorgeously golden, crispy edges.

Does baking powder make chicken crispy? ›

That trick is a sprinkling of baking powder, and it'll get you the crispiest, crackliest bites of fatty, salty skin imaginable, whether you're cooking just one thigh, a plate of wings, or an entire bird. Baking powder, it turns out, is good for quite a lot more than baking.

What makes chicken skin more crispy? ›

Rub with Salt and Baking Powder

Both substances pull moisture out of the skin. But baking powder has additional powers. It prods some of the skin's proteins and fat to break down, which, combined with its alkalinity, accelerates the Maillard reaction, for skin that browns and crisps more quickly.

Does baking soda or cornstarch make chicken crispier? ›

The baking powder raises the pH of the surface, allowing it to crisp better*), and tossing in plain cornstarch to absorb some surface moisture and create a rougher texture for the batter to adhere to.

Why won't my fried chicken get crispy? ›

If your oil temp is too high, your fried chicken will be scorched on the outside with meat that is undercooked. If the oil is too cool, your chicken will be greasy and will lack the golden-brown crispy exterior you want.

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